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Set up for the below examples:


        var hotel1 = new TTWebHotel(TTWebHotel.Reztrip, {
          hotelId: 'NYCSTW', //'orwhatever your values are',
          portalId: 'stewarthotelnyc',
          defaultTimezone: 'America/New_York', // timezone of site
          ipAddress: sessionStorage.ip_add,
          defaultCurrency: 'USD',
          defaultLocale: 'en-US',
          //localeFileRoot: 'http://localhost:8333/locales/'
        hotel1.ready(function() {//{'arrivalDate' : '2019-01-18', 'departureDate' : '2019-01-19', 'adults': 1}
          var rateSearch = hotel1.bookingSearch({'rateCode' : 'DSAAA'}, 'testrate')
          var offer1Calendar = TTRender.renderOfferCalendar(hotel1, {
            showRates: false,
            widgetParentSelector: 'offer1RateCalendar',
            search: rateSearch
          var offer2Calendar = TTRender.renderOfferCalendar(hotel1, {
            widgetParentSelector: 'offer2RateCalendar',
            rateCode: 'BFAST',
            showRates: true
            // search: hotel1.bookingSearch({})
          // console.log(rateSearch.params)


Offer Rate Calendar - DSAAA rate code

Offer Rate Calendar - BFAST rate code