IP Address detection and CSS loading is handled by the script
var ttwebHotel = new TTWebHotel(TTWebHotel.Rvng, { hotelId: 'NYCSTW', //'NYCREF', portalId: 'stewarthotelnyc', defaultTimezone: 'America/New_York', defaultCurrency: 'USD', defaultLocale: 'en', defaultNumAdults: 2, defaultNumChildren: 1, // rootPath: 'https://rt3api-prd-ase.ttaws.com', // OPTIONAL set the rt3api root - change to this value for asia servers. // localeFileRoot: 'http://localhost:8333/locales/', // OPTIONAL set the root for locale loading // cssFileRoot: 'http://localhost:8333/css/', // OPTION sel the root for CSS loading // Optional override locales with specific content: TBD specific structure is in flux! // localeOverrides: { // 'conversion-plus': { // guaranteed_price: 'Web-Exclusive Special Offer', // sample_rate_selected: "Best Price for {{- arrivalDate}} through {{- departureDate}}" // } // } }) TTRender.initComponents(ttwebHotel);
First, Set up the booking widget (or other booking calendar tool as it becomes available) and add a button to activate the widget
<div ttweb-component="BookingWidget" data-tt-show-rates="true"></div> <div ttweb-component="BookingWidgetButton">Generic Open-Calendar Button</div>
Show's rate and optionally rate-errors for the global search. Can supply specific error text.
Can also set specific search attributes, e.g. a cross-out rate for room BX1:
Booking button for the current search (opens reztrip link), with optional overrides e.g. room selection
Enhanced Room Data
Some CMS-generated content
Some CMS-generated content
Full Room ("Petite Duplex")
BRG and Conversion Plus are similar, except BRG is limited to "tonight" only and doesn't update when a user searches. It also doesn't have a CTA button.