TT Web E-Commerce Plugins

Browser: Chrome 65.0.3325 (Mac OS X 10.13.4)
Timestamp: 4/5/2018, 4:45:25 PM

3 tests / 0 errors / 0 failures / 0 skipped / runtime: 0.405s


wrong parameters

Should have rejected if ip address not passed
Passed in 0.013s

wrong parameters

Should have rejected if wrong room id is passed
Passed in 0.389s

should be resolved

Should have resolved if ip address is passed
Passed in 0.003s

System output:
Chrome 65.0.3325 (Mac OS X 10.13.4) LOG: 'RT3 Query:', '', Object{hotel_id: 'KEY24N', portal_id: '24northhotel', locale: 'en', currency: 'USD', arrival_date_0: '2018-04-05', departure_date_0: '2018-04-06', adults_0: 1, children_0: 0, rooms: 1, rate_code: null, offer_code: null}
Chrome 65.0.3325 (Mac OS X 10.13.4) LOG: 'RT3 Query:', '', Object{hotel_id: 'KEY24N', portal_id: '24northhotel', locale: 'en', currency: 'USD', arrival_date_0: '2018-04-05', departure_date_0: '2018-04-06', adults_0: 1, children_0: 0, rooms: 1, rate_code: null, offer_code: null, ip_address: ''}
Chrome 65.0.3325 (Mac OS X 10.13.4) LOG: '{"error_info":{"error_details":[{"error_type":"NO_ROOM_FOUND","error_messgae":"No room is available."}]}}'
Chrome 65.0.3325 (Mac OS X 10.13.4) LOG: 'RT3 Query:', '', Object{hotel_id: 'KEY24N', portal_id: '24northhotel', locale: 'en', currency: 'USD', arrival_date_0: '2018-04-05', departure_date_0: '2018-04-06', adults_0: 1, children_0: 0, rooms: 1, rate_code: null, offer_code: null, ip_address: ''}
Chrome 65.0.3325 (Mac OS X 10.13.4) LOG: Object{FAKE_BASE_ROOM: Object{rateFound: false, roomInfo: Object{min_average_price: ..., min_discounted_average_price: ..., code: ...}}}