'use strict';
import $ from 'jquery';
import Config from './config.es6';
import Query from './query.es6'
/** Class for fetching locales based static text used in any widget */
class Locales {
* fetch static strings based on locale from widget's Locale json url.
* Runs
* @param widgetName {string} - Required. Widget name for which locale strings needs to be fetched
* @param locale {string} - Optional.
* @param {success} function - Optional. function to call with response object from successful call. If not present, just returns the repsonse object value.
* @param {failure} function - Optional. function to call with the error object from a failed call. If not present, logs the error and returns the error object value.
* @return {jQueryPromise} A promise that either returns the response/error or calls the passed callbacks.
static getStrings(widgetName, locale = Config.defaultLocale, success = null, failure = null ) {
if (Locales.loadedStrings[widgetName] && Locales.loadedStrings[widgetName][locale]) {
return Locales.loadedStrings[widgetName][locale];
} else {
console.log("get strings for", widgetName, locale)
let localeFileUrl = Config.localeFileRoot + widgetName + '/' + locale + '.json';
Locales.loadedStrings[widgetName] = this.loadedStrings[widgetName] || {};
const fnName = widgetName.replace(/-/g,'_') + '_' + locale;
Locales.loadedStrings[widgetName][locale] = Query.getJson(localeFileUrl, null, fnName, success, failure);
return Locales.loadedStrings[widgetName][locale];
Locales.loadedStrings = {}
export default Locales;